
看到我们的 记录页面 请求成绩单并查看相关策略.

-By Examination: Students may be awarded up to 15 credit hours toward the requirements of a certificate, diploma or associate degree at NMCC through the General or Subject Examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education 支持 (DANTES) examinations. The college accepts the American Council on Education’s (ACE) recommendations on acceptable scores and credit hours for the awarding of credit by examination. Whatever the ACE recommended score (General Examination or Subject Examination) is at the time of request shall be the college’s minimum acceptable score for the awarding of such credit. 申请必须提交给学生主任.
-By Work Experience: Matriculated students may receive course credit for substantial previous work experience directly related to required courses within the curricular programs in which they are enrolled, 须经适当导师批准, 部主席, 副总裁. Any student seeking work-experience credit must submit a detailed resume of the activities or skills exercised on the job and a letter from the employer recommending the awarding of credit; the student must then be interviewed by the 部主席 and an appropriate instructor, 谁的建议必须由副总统执行.
NMCC has several program specific transfer agreements with senior colleges and universities. Students interested in transferring to an institution to pursue a baccalaureate degree should discuss their goals with their academic advisor to assure appropriate planning of their academic coursework at NMCC and to maximize the amount of transfer credit. 对于当前转学协议未涵盖的课程的转学, the college or university to which the student is transferring has the final decision on acceptance of transfer credit.

Transfer credit from accredited institutions may be awarded for grades of C or better in courses comparable to those offered at NMCC. 转学分申请必须提交给教务处, 谁决定校外课程的可接受性. 课程 accepted for transfer credit are not included as part of any student’s grade-point average at NMCC. The college’s policy is to accept no more than six credit hours from another institution while the student is currently enrolled in a prescribed two-year program at NMCC.

  • A student wishing to attend another institution while enrolled at NMCC must make a written request.
  • 申请必须经指导老师、系主任和学生教务长批准.
  • The written approval and final grades are to be submitted to be recorded on the permanent transcript as transfer credit.

English Area Course Transfer: Any student transferring into a diploma program will be allowed to use up to six transfer credits in English in order to satisfy the NMCC English requirement. Transfer students entering our associate degree programs will be allowed up to six credits of transfer in English as long as the course content is directly related (Public Speaking for Speech, 等.).

  • 可以利用知识渊博的工作人员来确定转移学分的可接受性.
  • 如果课程内容相同, 类似或超过NMCC提供的, 将给予全额转学学分.
  • 如果无法确定可接受性, 要么是副总统, 部主席 or other knowledgeable staff member will be contacted for assistance.

Occupational laboratory credits are acceptable up to four full semesters (usually 24 credit hours).职业实验室学分可以通过以下一种或多种方法获得:

  • Successful completion of a recognized apprenticeship training program approved by the Maine State Apprenticeship Council.
  • Applicants who have successfully completed a Journeyman’s Examination may submit written application for lab credit.
  • Applicants presently enrolled or having completed in-house training in which formal apprenticeship training or examinations are not used.

大学水平考试计划或美国.S. 武装部队学院——学生将有最多15个小时的时间来获得证书, 参加CLEP或DANTES考试的文凭或副学士学位.

  • Nursing course(s) must be repeated if the student took the course(s) more then five years previously. 如果课程是在过去三到五年内修过的, 学生可以旁听讲座部分,不需要重新做临床部分.
  • 10年以上的相关科学课程必须重修.

For students interested in transferring credits from a Maine community college to a specific university within the University of Maine System, MaineStreet offers a list of courses for that community college that are typically recognized as equivalent courses, 可接受转让.

添加/ DropPolicy
A student may drop any class during the first week of a semester without academic or financial penalty *. Students dropping a class after the first week of a semester will be charged the full amount of the class. 有关退学的更多信息,请参阅学院目录.

常规的增删政策不适用于冬季迷你学期课程. Registration must be completed prior to the start of the class and no refunds will be issued for courses dropped after the first meeting of the class.

Any student withdrawing from NMCC is expected to complete an official withdrawal form which may be obtained from the dean of students. 该学生还将接受离职面谈. 如果情况不允许这样做, the student or parents should write to the dean of students concerning the reason requiring the student to leave. The date of withdrawal will be the date the student signs the withdrawal form; refunds are also established by the date the student signs the withdrawal form.

A grade notation of AW (Administrative Withdrawal) will be indicated on a student’s academic transcript for those students who have been involuntarily separated from the college (examples: disciplinary dismissal, 不支付账单, 等.).